What is Grit?

Do you want to get grit while you’re in high school? Here, we will take a deep dive into the meaning, definition, and characteristics of grit, as well as give you some tips on how to get “grittier.”

In addition, you can take the Grit Scale Self-Test that has been given to West Point plebes, so you see exactly where you stand on the grit scale. We will also provide some information about high school military academies, in particular one on the west coast, as well as some other resources.

“According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, grit in the context of behavior is defined as “firmness of character; indomitable spirit.” Duckworth, based on her studies, tweaked this definition to be “perseverance and passion for long-term goals.” – Forbes 

To clarify the meaning of grit even further, here are some words you hear often at military academies like Army Navy Academy in Carlsbad, California: self-discipline, courage, integrity, responsibility, endurance, resilience, self-control, self-confidence, drive, stamina, passion, determination, tenacity, persistence, perseverance, and growth mindset.

Top 4 Characteristics that Define Grit 

So now let’s dive in and take a look at what Dr. Duckworth lists as some key characteristics grit before we give you some tips to get “grittier.”:

  1. Resilience – Clearly, the long haul to greatness includes occasions where one stumbles and needs to get back up. Futurist and author Andrew Zolli in his book, “Resilience, Why Things Bounce Back,” writes that resilience is a dynamic combination of optimism, creativity, and confidence, which together empower one to reappraise situations and regulate emotion – a behavior many social scientists refer to as “hardness” or grit. Check out this article about tips to build resilience.
  1. Courage – It’s a hard trait to define or measure in one statement, but generally speaking, courage is the ability to manage fear of failure. The extent to which a person can do so is a strong predictor of success. Many successful people live under the principle that there are only two outcomes when competing: a winning experience or a learning experience. Failure is not one of them.
  2. Follow-Through. Perseverance is the key trait that insists on follow-through and tenacity on any project or activity, especially those of a long-term nature. Goal setting is a key criterion for follow through to achieve the end goal. Margaret M. Perlis writes: “Long-term goals…provide the context and framework in which to find the meaning and value of one’s long-term efforts, which helps cultivate drive, sustainability, passion, courage, stamina … grit.”
  3. Excellence – “Gritty” people don’t seek perfection, but instead strive for excellence. Perfection is unyielding and usually someone else’s perception of an ideal. Excellence is more forgiving; it allows for disappointment and gives priority to progress over perfection. Excellence is an attitude about – to quote Alfred Lord Tennyson – “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.” – Alfred Lord Tennyson.

5 Tips to Get “Grittier”

  1. Allow yourself to face challenges without your parents stepping in to either eliminate the issue or solve it for you. Learning how to exercise grit is somewhat akin to learning how to walk. Basically, you need to learn to do things on your own. That’s not to say, you shouldn’t seek out mentorship and guidance when you need input.
  2. Think strategically about how to overcome obstacles and solve problems. Much of what you face may seem to be cured by a “quick fix” or “solved” by others doing it for you, but look at the “big picture” concept by examining all the factors, including the intended – and unintended – consequences of your plans and actions.
  3. Imagine the finish line as you take the small steps that will lead to great accomplishments. Every step of the way, keep holding the vision of reaching your final goal. This is true with any academic, athletic, leadership or other types of goals.
  4. Seek out leadership opportunities where you can learn to handle social, mental, and physical challenges. For example, at the Army and Navy Academy, leadership positions involve high levels of responsibility and self-discipline in the governance of the school campus. .
  5. Attend a military academy in high school that embeds resilience, perseverance, and determination skills into academics, athletics, and leadership into all aspects of campus life. This will equip you with the personal attributes necessary to achieve your goals.*

*To clarify, military academies (aka military schools, military boarding schools) are not in place to recruit young people for the armed forces. They employ military principles and methods to instill leadership and character development, discipline, and problem-solving skills. 

Measuring Grit: The Duckworth Scale and Beyond

On a broader scale, let’s try to understand the impact grit has on our society. A psychologist, author, and University of Pennsylvania professor Angela Duckworth actually found that grit is a more reliable predictor of success in people than talent or I.Q. and that anyone can learn to be “gritty.” Grit also appears to be a better engine of social mobility and is backed by her research in her book, “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance,”

Her “Grit Scale” self-test measures how passionate and persevering people see themselves to be. The short test asks respondents to grade themselves using a five-point scale on how they respond to statements such as: “Setbacks don’t discourage me; I don’t give up easily,” “I am a hard worker,” “I finish whatever I begin,”“I have overcome setbacks to conquer an important challenge.”

It’s important to point out that grit is not an inborn attribute; it comes from learning basic principles and gaining hands-on experience during trials and challenges. In short, your personal success is largely in your own hands and grit is part of what will make you successful in life.

Find out where you stand on Duckworth’s Grit Scale and seek out opportunities to exercise grit at home, in school, and in all aspects of your life. (See the link to the Grit Scale Self-Test under Resources).

Get Grit in High School: Located on a beachfront campus in Southern California’s Carlsbad Village, Army and Navy Academy is a college preparatory school with boarding and day options. Geared exclusively for boys in grades 7-12, Army and Navy Academy is a model school for boys in middle school and high school and is ranked in the top five boarding schools in California.

Army & Navy Academy Admission Office: 888-762-2338

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Dr. Duckworth’s “Grit Scale” self-test measures how people perceive their own grit level – Grit Scale test.