Autonomy, self-management, and leadership are all traits which help a student to make the journey towards becoming a successful, responsible adult. Without the ability to make important decisions, learn from mistakes, and test their abilities in the world without...
Every year, thousands of inquiries about summer camps flow into admission and summer program offices at boarding schools, universities, and traditional camp facilities. Oftentimes, parents are looking for leadership, life skills, and ways to help their child...
Although research regarding gender and the brain is still evolving, there is a growing trend of information showing that female brains and male brains work differently in certain circumstances. In fact, some sources suggest that there may be over 200 chemical,...
Research shows that transformational leaders who inspire and empower their followers through motivation and goal setting often accomplish more. That’s why the leadership education opportunities offered by Army and Navy Academy focus on delivering the skills and...
Army and Navy Academy is pleased to announce that the school is now an official WeatherBug weather station. Weather Bug provides up-to-the-minute data and digital images to national news stations and their affiliates. This not only means that our weather cam may be...
The closer you get to an exam deadline, the more you may end up feeling overwhelmed and weighed down by the amount of academic work on your shoulders. Not only do students have to keep up with studying demands to ensure they’re perfecting the right academic...
Time is one of the most precious resources a student has, shaping the outcome of academic and career success. Fortunately, the unique opportunities offered to an Army and Navy Academy Cadet begin to shape skills and habits that will stay with him for the remainder of...
While academics are important at any boarding school, the opportunities available to students in their free time is just as important. This is what makes the Academy stand out – how many schools can boast a beachfront property and all of the perks that come with...
We are pleased to announce that 23 Cadets have completed the first phase of training in the Elements of Flight Program, which included six weeks of classroom instruction on the fundamentals of flight and three field trips. Highlights so far include: Miramar Air Show –...
Preparing for exams can be challenging. It can be a struggle to commit new information to memory and categorize facts during crunch time so that they are easily retrievable when the clock starts ticking. Knowing how to properly prepare for exams can make all the...