Why a Boarding School Can Make a Big Difference

Why a Boarding School Can Make a Big Difference

There’s been so much focus on what’s being taught in our schools’ classrooms that parents and even their adolescent and teenage children often are unaware of what learning opportunities lie beyond the traditional school day. So much can be added after school hours to...

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Helping Boys Become Bold, Brilliant, and Self Confident

Helping Boys Become Bold, Brilliant, and Self Confident

“When I wear my Army and Navy Academy uniform, I beam with pride. Here I see myself through the admiring eyes of teachers, family, and friends who believe I will accomplish my dreams … I can’t imagine being anywhere else.” --Current Army and Navy Academy Cadet A...

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Superior Education Begins With a Safe School Campus

Superior Education Begins With a Safe School Campus

 “Success will always be with you as long as you place safety as the first priority.” -- Anonymous There was a time when acts of violence on U.S. school campuses were pretty much confined to an occasional after-school fistfight, a brief altercation between opposing...

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Millennials Face Several Financial Problems

Millennials Face Several Financial Problems

Enter the Millennial generation whose members were born between 1980 and 1995 and who were the first to come of age in the new millennium. They became widely known for being especially “tech-savvy,” interested primarily in pursuing their passions, and whose consumer and business habits are thought to have killed several industries.

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How Teamwork Builds Successful Adults

How Teamwork Builds Successful Adults

Teamwork is an essential part of any successful endeavor in modern life. It is especially so in the highly competitive workplace where the ability to work as part of a team is one of the most important skills in today’s job market.

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Safety Comes First on School Campuses 

Safety Comes First on School Campuses 

There was a time when acts of violence on school campuses in the U.S. were pretty much confined to an occasional after-school fistfight or an altercation on a football field, but things are different now and it has became abundantly clear to all in recent years that safety in schools must come first.

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