Jonathan Zhang became the second wrestler in the entire history of the Army and Navy Academy to qualify for the prestigious California State Wrestling Championship. The California State Wrestling Championship is a very difficult and highly competitive...
In February 2017 at the Mt. Carmel wrestling tournament, Coach Roye Oliver was presented with a Coaches Award trophy for revitalizing the wrestling program at the Army and Navy Academy. Oliver is a coach who truly cares about every individual and understands the...
Aziz Seck’s journey to Army and Navy Academy began when he left his hometown of Dakar, Senegal at the age of 16. With only hoop dreams and the hope for a better life, his first step was a small school in rural Georgia where he and several of his teammates were housed...
sIf you’re a parent exploring private school options for middle school and/or high school, you may be wondering about the value of single gender vs. co-ed schools. Of course, every teen is different, so there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Nonetheless, there are...
An excerpt from Cadet Salisbury’s graduation speech: Growing up, I never would have thought I would have had the opportunity to be up on a stage, speaking at my own graduation. Sure, I was a decent student, occasionally achieving a 4.0, but routinely achieving a...