The closer you get to an exam deadline, the more you may end up feeling overwhelmed and weighed down by the amount of academic work on your shoulders. Not only do students have to keep up with studying demands to ensure they’re perfecting the right academic techniques, but they also need to manage their daily schedule and address ongoing commitments. It’s no surprise that over 80% of young people cite school as their most significant source of stress.
The exam period marks an era of major transitions for any student, including the challenge of managing study and personal time, making crucial choices about the future, and finding their own identities in the world.
With so much going on, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Without the right guidance, students can experience physical and mental burnout that disrupts the educational experience. Fortunately, with self-discipline, students can make use of various techniques that help them to take care of themselves and cope with classroom commitments.
Start With Proper Organization
Exams can leave students feeling as though they have a great deal to achieve within a short space of time. This means that planning and organization can be a good way to avoid stress and panic.
1. Set a Study Schedule – By setting up a study schedule, students can ensure that they are in control of their study goals and give themselves some comfort regarding their ability to move according to a schedule.
2. Create a Plan. Having a plan helps them avoid last-minute cramming, which can lead to increased stress and lower test performance.
3. Pace Yourself – When organizing your study schedule, the best way to arrange your time is to set a balance between work and rest.

Manage Your Sleep and Waking Routine
In order to maximize productivity and enhance your ability to learn and recall information, it’s essential to focus on getting the right amount of sleep.
1. Develop a consistent sleeping cycle prior to your exam. Getting a full night’s rest will have a direct impact on your cognitive abilities when taking exams.
2. Go to bed at a consistent time, without any electronic devices or stimulants that may keep you awake. The more you get used to this cycle before your exam date, the lower chance you’ll have of suffering from a restless night before your big test. After all, rest before an exam is crucial to your focus.
3. Manage your wake-up time. If you’re constantly sleeping in and rushing to get into study sessions or reach classes on time, then your brain won’t be working as well as it could be. Try setting an alarm for a few minutes earlier, and use that time to orient yourself and get in the right frame of mind for the day ahead.
Boost Good Health Wherever Possible
This advice may seem like standard common sense, but that doesn’t make it any less important!
1. Nutrition – Eating well is another crucial factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle that will help you fight back against burnout. Not only will high quality nutritional food give you better energy and make you feel better internally, but it will also help to fuel your brain with the resources it needs to take in and maintain information.
2. Exercise – What’s more, getting regular exercise is one of the best ways you can reduce stress. Sticking to a fitness regimen will allow your body to produce endorphins, which will chase off tension and get you in the right frame of mind for a motivated and disciplined lifestyle. Even though your brain is exhausted after a long study session, your body still needs to move. Giving it that freedom could help to re-energize your tired mind, improve your sleep, and restore blood flow to the brain.
Be Positive
Remember, be realistic about your goals and the abilities you have, and learn to congratulate yourself when you meet a goal or do something well. Exams are difficult for everyone, and you should always make time to give yourself a break and remind yourself of how well you’re doing. After all, research shows that positive thinking helps people cope with stress more efficiently.