The Los Angeles fires disrupted life for thousands of California families, burning more than 16,000 homes and leaving thousands of people unable to return to damaged or destroyed residences. More than a dozen schools were either damaged or destroyed by the Palisades, Eaton, and Hughes fires. The rebuilding and cleanup timeline for the area has left many residents without a clear path to recovery, and many parents are concerned about the harmful aftereffects of the fires, including toxic ash and other lingering health concerns.

Amid these challenges, ensuring that students have stable access to a quality education should be a priority for parents and guardians. If your family is struggling with disruptions to your child’s learning routine, enrolling in a boarding school might be a solution you should consider.


Boarding schools offer unique benefits to students that many families may not have considered, either due to cost concerns or hesitancy to have students living away from home. They might also be a perfect fit for families who have been impacted by these fires, as well as other natural disasters. A boarding school represents a consistent learning and living environment so that students can focus on studies without worrying about disruptions inherent to rebuilding after a natural disaster, and parents can work through recovery confident that their child is safe, secure, and thriving.

Most boarding schools also have social-emotional support available through dedicated counseling teams. Coping with the fallout of a natural disaster is a major event for a teenager. Counseling and wellness services available at boarding schools can help students more healthily process stress and loss.

Army and Navy Academy offers flexible mid-year admissions for students needing immediate placement. As a school for boys in grades 7-12, the Academy focuses on the science of how boys learn best, and aims to forge virtuous young men for life.


The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law intended to guarantee educational stability for young people experiencing homelessness. Most families that are displaced by natural disasters qualify for educational protections and services under the Act, which also requires all public and most charter schools to designate a liaison for McKinney-Vento students. The responsibility of this liaision is to identify children and youth who meet the definition of homelessness.

Some boarding schools like Army and Navy Academy also offer financial assistance to families who are affected by natural disasters.