Ask most high schools these days about what makes them special and academics will be at or near the top of the list. A predictable response to be sure since a school’s primary mission is to educate students and teaching and learning techniques – and their results...
“This school takes a young man and teaches him discipline, responsibility, ownership, and values. The TAC officers spend time getting to know each kid and facilitate problem-solving with the boys. I’d consider any young man very lucky if he can attend this school.” –...
“… ANA is providing my son opportunities to be the best he can be and as an ANA parent, I could not be more pleased with our experience…” – Pamela R. (ANA parent) The Cadets who attend the Army and Navy Academy and their parents have several more reasons to be...
A September 20 article on the EdSource website reported that many high school seniors are “scrambling to schedule SAT and ACT tests this fall” despite the fact that most private and public colleges and universities are not requiring test results as an admissions...
Recently the New York Times published an article on the rise of applications at Independent Boarding Schools across the country. The Army and Navy Academy was one of many schools who were featured in the article. “In California, most public schools remain...