Attending a boarding school is a big decision. Many students benefit from the structure, rigorous academics, and challenges to personal growth that a military style boarding school can provide. However, attending a boarding or military school can be challenging...
Whether your son is starting new at Army and Navy Academy, or is simply hoping to get back into the school routine after a long summer break, it’s a good idea to start preparing him for the school year as soon as possible. Children starting at a new school will have...
How are leaders developed at Army and Navy Academy? It’s a combination of scholarship and service learning. Scholarship An essential piece of the leadership education process is teaching Cadets to apply their classroom lessons to the real world. Therefore, we invest...
When Oscar Lama ’15 decided to start the Anti-Bullying Club at ANA, he had no idea that its impact would spread all across San Diego County. It all began in the summer of 2014, when Lama came up with the idea for a student-led Anti-Bullying Club after reading about...
Cadet Rutledge recently spent time at the U.S. Naval Academy’s Summer Seminar – a fast-paced, six-day experience for high achievers who have completed their junior year in high school. It teaches about life at the US Naval Academy, where leadership is...