Embarking on the educational journey at a military junior boarding school is about embracing growth, discipline, and a pathway to excellence. These institutions are not merely schools; they are transformative environments where young minds are molded into future...
Do you want a sneak peek into boarding school life? Discover how a boarding school schedule is balanced between rigorous academics, sports, clubs, homework, rest and relaxation time, and dorm life. Through this blog, you can check out a variety of top U.S. boarding...
In today’s world, traditional rules of etiquette have become increasingly reinterpretted or even forgotten. While we should embrace new expressions of respect for others, having a common understanding of the purpose and practice of etiquette in society is important...
Leadership experiences offer a transformative experience for teenagers and also serve as a great way to enhance college applications. Leadership experience can be acquired through student government positions, leadership training classes, after-school leadership...
The importance of goal setting at the high school level is often tied to specific college admission goals. However, beyond college preparation, learning to set goals is a lifelong skill that will serve students in high school, college, and throughout their personal...
Looking for a boarding school for your son with an emphasis on college prep, leadership, character development, and CIF sports? Army and Navy Academy has what it takes to set your son up for success in college and life beyond. While many boys are getting lost in large...